View Full Version : Beltre & Pimentel at the Palace

03-11-2009, 06:30 PM
The director of the Land Transport Office (OTTT), Franklin Beltre and the director of the Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI), Hector Rodriguez Pimentel were at the Presidential Palace yesterday, where they met separately with Presidential legal advisor Abel Rodriguez del Orbe. The meeting took place after TV investigative journalist Nuria Piera denounced irregularities in the use of funds at the OTTT, and the MPD (Movimiento Popular Democratico) denounced corruption at the INDRHI. After his meeting with Rodriguez, Beltre met with Presidential press director Rafael Nunez and with administrative secretary of the Presidency Luis Manuel Bonetti.
www.nuria.com.do (http://www.nuria.com.do)
www.noticiassin.com/www/index.php?go=Display&act=display_article&aid=620&tid=20 (http://www.noticiassin.com/www/index.php?go=Display&act=display_article&aid=620&tid=20)
www.elobservador.com.do/app/article.asp?articleid=10472&zoneid=5 (http://www.elobservador.com.do/app/article.asp?articleid=10472&zoneid=5)

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