View Full Version : CESA removing 30

03-11-2009, 06:30 PM
The Specialized Airport Security Corps (CESA) has announced that it is removing 30 members from its ranks. CESA director Brigadier General Carlos A. Robles says that the clean-up process of CESA's ranks began when he took up his post six months ago, and a total of 300 officers have been investigated so far. The news comes only days after a member of the National Drug Control Department (DNCD) was caught trying to bring 27 kilos of cocaine into the luggage area of the AILA airport.
Since 2005 CESA has fired 85 agents for ties to drug trafficking, money smuggling, human trafficking, extortion or other crimes detected at Dominican airports. The latest case involved two agents who were arrested at AILA on Monday for possession of 27 cocaine packages. The agents were assigned to CESA's K9 unit.
Hoy reports that corruption is too frequent among the security forces at the airport, going by the numerous cases that are detected. For instance, in May 2008, 11 military personnel were arrested for drug trafficking at Las Americas International Airport. In June 2008, seven Air Force agents were dismissed. That same month, a network led by a CESA force sergeant involved in people, money and drug smuggling was dismantled. During General Juan Bautista Rojas Tabar's term, in May 2007, 60 members of CESA were fired, also for drug, money and people smuggling.

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