View Full Version : He knew too much?

03-11-2009, 06:30 PM
Last week, 24-year old Ramon Argenis Guerra Florian, an employee at the Department of Control of Closed-Circuit Cameras at the Caucedo Multimodal Port was kidnapped from his home at gunpoint by four men who boarded a SUV, and he was later found murdered in a garbage dump in Andres, Boca Chica, as reported in Hoy. Regional Police Commander Brigade General Hector Garcia Cuevas said one person has been arrested in connection with the case. The victim lived with his family in the Barrio Invi-CEA. His mother, Nelida Florian de Guerra said that the family was together when the four assailants, who were dressed in National Drug Control Department uniforms, arrived asking for "the man of the house." She told Hoy that her son did not have problems with anyone, but does not dismiss the possibility that he could have unwittingly interfered with criminal activities while on the job. Customs Department director Miguel Cocco suspects that Guerra's kidnapping and murder is drug trafficking-related, as reported in Listin Diario. He said that Guerra had uncovered a cocaine shipment at the terminal.

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