View Full Version : NEWBIE HERE!

03-13-2009, 03:57 PM
Hey boys, Im in my 20s, visiting Puerto Plata at the end of March by myself. Just getting away from the crazy cities of America. I stumbled upon this site and I am very new to this so Im still learning some phrases, how you do what and what not to do. I figured it would be easier for me to post my question here and hope to get some help from you guys.

I speak no spanish, Im a newbie but Im willing to try! I will be staying at the Holiday village gold beach resort. Where should I go to find some fine ladies?
Sorry if this is a stupid question (newbie!) but... suppose I find someone, do I bring them back to my room for a night fuck or do they provide a place?

Most important, how much?

Feel free to include info on where I should go or whatnot! :mrgreen:

03-13-2009, 04:37 PM
Wellllll, you are not going to get much play in a resort. Most will not allow you to bring back "guests". There are clubs you can go to in Puerta Plata and get your freak on, on the premises, best option for guys staying at a resort.

Start reading here:

And here:

03-13-2009, 07:37 PM
I will be staying at the Holiday village gold beach resort.
Why? Don't bother to answer if finding chicas for sex is just a sideline to your holiday. If the main point of your holiday, then I again ask "why?"

... suppose I find someone, do I bring them back to my room for a night fuck or do they provide a place?

You will not be allowed to take a girl back to your room in the resort. (Unless you have pre-booked and paid for for double occupancy and then only the same girl each night as your "partner").

Some clubs you can do the girls on site for a small extra fee or for no extra fee but the arrangements are usually pretty squalid. Best take a taxi to a cabaña for three hours. Cabañas are pleasant, sometimes even luxurious. They are like motels but specifically designed for short-time sex for Dominicans with money.

I don't recommend letting the chica decide the venue, especially as you don't speak Spanish. You could set yourself up to be scammed, mugged, or worse.

No question of "suppose I find someone". If you want a girl you won't fail to find one. They will sniff you out.

03-13-2009, 09:24 PM
Hey someone You should have found this site, before you booked at Holiday Village . If this trip is to have a good time, with a couple of chicas at night and relax at the beach and pools during the day. Get out of HV, if you can. Come on over to Sosua. IMO you don't need alot of spanish there. The chicas will find you. There will be alot of isoc members there at the end of March, to have a beer with. I am no monger vet by any means , but I usually have a lot of fun there. And with out this site I would not have stumbled to the DR . Read up.

03-14-2009, 09:10 AM
Welcome to isoc, but I would read up as much as possible before you leave. You will be glad you did.

Check the calender to see who is going to be in town. Intro yourself and buy them a Presidente. They will certainly give you some pointers.

And the other thing you have to do is lose the Resort booking. You don't want to be locked into that. Get something in Sosua for 50 or 60usd a nite. If Holiday Village is an AI, your going to be sitting there trying to decide...do I want the free food & drinks, or do I want to go chase chicas and buy my own food/drinks?

Kind of a no brainer.....

And one more thing....TAKE PICTURES


03-14-2009, 10:25 AM
And the other thing you have to do is lose the Resort booking. You don't want to be locked into that.
Not necessarily. We had a similar thread a while back with a guy booked into a Punta Cana AI. Turned out he mainly wanted to do the usual holiday stuff with only a couple of "adventures" with putas for seasoning. I was once a week at Billy's with a guy who was absorbed in studying up for his snorkelling qualifications. Even if a pretty puta sat on his lap and played with his dick he would politely excuse himself so he could turn to page 177 ("Coping with Giant Squid attacks"). I think he only had one sex session in a week and was a bit embarrassed about it even then.

But if "someone51423" is coming primarily to monger, then of course staying in an AI is a no-no.

Get something in Sosua for 50 or 60usd a nite.
Or consider Field of Dreams at $40 per night. Nice tranquil start for a newbie who may wish to ease himself into the game.

03-14-2009, 05:46 PM
snorkelling qualifications ? ? ?

3 Presidentes and a couple of cuba libres and I'll qualify ya . . .

seriously . . . . what kind of a test is involved to get a "snorkelling qualification" ? ? ? ? ?

03-14-2009, 05:54 PM
seriously . . . . what kind of a test is involved to get a "snorkelling qualification"?

Basic Snorkel Diver - a 4 week course which cover the basics of using snorkelling equipment in a swimming pool.

Snorkel Diver - a 6 week course, includes 4 short theory lessons and aims to create competent and safe snorkellers. Completion of Basic Snorkel Diver is an entry requirement.

Ocean Snorkel Diver - a fully trained snorkeller. Completion of this course requires the trainee to become a member of the BSAC and take part in several open water training events in full open water equipment. The course takes 10 weeks in the pool and includes 6 short lectures. Completion of Snorkel Diver is an entry requirement.

Advanced Ocean Snorkel Diver - a snorkeller trained in specialist activities. Completion of Ocean Snorkel Diver is an entry requirement.

Snorkel Dive Marshall - an Advanced Ocean Snorkel Diver trained in organisation and supervision of snorkeling activities. Completion of Advanced Ocean Snorkel Diver is an entry requirement.

Captain Morgan Snorkel Diver - Trained to survive twenty-four hours of total immersion in rum while remaining erect.

03-14-2009, 06:16 PM
LMFFDAO ! ! ! !

03-15-2009, 12:51 AM
You forgot Muff Diver.

03-15-2009, 08:47 AM
I think Weyland is referring to SCUBA diving certification.

03-15-2009, 08:16 PM
Hey I just logged on and wow thanks for the tips guys. I see I may have made a few mistakes but like you all said, read up! That I shall do to ensure I get the best out of my vacation! I will call my resort tmw to see if I can drop the reservation with no fee, if not then Ill just probably improvise. More questions if you guys have the time.

1. I read somewhere that DR has one of the highest HIV/AIDs statistics. Should I be worried about this?
2. How far is Cabañas that weyland recommended (From my resort)?
3. How is the disco on the Golden Beach holiday village resort (Ladies-wise)?

Thanks for the wonderful tips guys. And yes Ill take lots of pictures for sure.

03-15-2009, 08:26 PM
fuck the fee drop the resort no if and's or butts!!also you haven't said what dates ur going end of march what days b/c it seems like there will be a few of us in town end march beginning of april.

Hey I just logged on and wow thanks for the tips guys. I see I may have made a few mistakes but like you all said, read up! That I shall do to ensure I get the best out of my vacation! I will call my resort tmw to see if I can drop the reservation with no fee, if not then Ill just probably improvise. More questions if you guys have the time.

1. I read somewhere that DR has one of the highest HIV/AIDs statistics. Should I be worried about this?
2. How far is Cabañas that weyland recommended (From my resort)?
3. How is the disco on the Golden Beach holiday village resort (Ladies-wise)?

Thanks for the wonderful tips guys. And yes Ill take lots of pictures for sure.

03-16-2009, 07:05 AM
I read somewhere that DR has one of the highest HIV/AIDs statistics. Should I be worried about this?

If you like anal sex without a condom, then yes.

How far is Cabañas that weyland recommended from my resort?

A "cabaña" is a type of motel designed for short-time (normally 3 hour) sexual encounters. There are several just outside Puerto Plata along the main highway to Costambar, Cofresi, and (eventually) Santiago. I don't know where your hotel is but presumably no more than a 250 peso taxi ride one way. I am out of date on cabaña charges but I would guess a nice one like Sensations charges about 500 pesos for 3 hours. Guys who know please amend this if wrong. They supply drinks, snacks, condoms, etc at reasonable prices.

This is why I asked if mongering is to be the main activity of your holiday. If you want just a couple of adventures then the AI + cabaña model will work fine. If you want to fuck a chica every day, or two a day, and even more so if you want TLN (all night company) then your costs for cabañas and taxis will go through the roof and it would be much cheaper to write off your deposit and book in at a chica friendly hotel like New Garden or Seabreeze in Sosúa or Field of Dreams just outside Puerto Plata.

How is the disco on the Golden Beach holiday village resort (Ladies-wise)?
I don't know anything about discos or AIs but I presume the only women there will be other tourists. I assume local chicas would not be admitted. Anyone who knows more please add to this.

Can you dance salsa? If so, you will have no trouble picking up local girls in the local dance-halls. I assume you cannot dance bachata or merengue, the two Dominican indigenous dances, but if you are a natural dancer you will have fun learning them and the locals will fall over themselves to teach you.

03-16-2009, 07:13 AM
1. I read somewhere that DR has one of the highest HIV/AIDs statistics. Should I be worried about this?

If you don't take proper precautions of course you should be worried, just like anywhere else.

03-16-2009, 07:33 AM
I see I may have made a few mistakes but like you all said, read up! That I shall do to ensure I get the best out of my vacation!
If you haven't paid the small fee to subscribe to the "DR Trip Reports with Pictures" section I suggest you do so now. You will get far more information helping you to make the right choice and you will probably recoup the fee several times over using knowledge gained. Besides which there are many chica pictures (some nude) to whet your appetite.

03-16-2009, 09:04 PM
If you haven't paid the small fee to subscribe to the "DR Trip Reports with Pictures" section I suggest you do so now. You will get far more information helping you to make the right choice and you will probably recoup the fee several times over using knowledge gained. Besides which there are many chica pictures (some nude) to whet your appetite.

That's it....I AM PAYING THE FEE!!! I wanted to go there then do an amazing 1st trip report and be able to be 'green' but I just can't wait!! weyland you just convinced me!!!

03-17-2009, 06:59 PM
That's it....I AM PAYING THE FEE!!! I wanted to go there then do an amazing 1st trip report and be able to be 'green' but I just can't wait!! weyland you just convinced me!!!

Thats a great goal.

03-17-2009, 07:25 PM
Thats a great goal.

weyland you just convinced me!

What about my f*cking commission?

03-17-2009, 07:26 PM
What about my fucking commission?

I try to pay but you rather talk to other Brits than bang a whore on my dime.

03-18-2009, 12:34 AM
What about my f*cking commission?

You can get it from the FEE!! Ask Jimmy!! haha. But seriously tho if we're there at the same time it would be my pleasure to buy rounds for the ISOC members. This website is literally changing my all vision of life...f*ck it changing MY LIFE!!

03-18-2009, 04:13 AM
Ask Jimmy
I was asking Jimmy. You saw what he replied. When I was his butler he tried to pay my salary in blowjobs from clapped-out left-over whores who not even the drunks at New Garden wanted to poke.

... if we're there at the same time it would be my pleasure to buy rounds for the ISOC members.
Thanks! Mine's a large water.

This website is literally changing my all vision of life...f*ck it, it is changing my life!!
A lot of guys write that, but if I emigrate to the DR within three months as I hope it will literally be true in my case. Of course, it might still have happened without ISOC but it is doubtful if I would have got so involved with the DR so quickly and so deeply without this website. So next time Jimmy visits the DR (which won't be until he has been mugged in Colombia) I may treat him to a free blowjob from one of my rejects.

03-18-2009, 07:14 PM
a free blowjob from one of my rejects.

THAT'S A SCAREY FUCKIN THOUGHT ! ! ! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

03-25-2009, 12:31 PM
Hey boys, gonna be in Puerto Plata this weekend! Where should I go to see some of you if you'll be there at the same time? Any last minute tips?

03-25-2009, 01:13 PM
Hey boys, gonna be in Puerto Plata this weekend! Where should I go to see some of you if you'll be there at the same time? Any last minute tips?
Have lunch or dinner at Dominican Billy's place, Harbor View, but check that Billy will be on site at the time. He won't actually introduce you to chicas but he has a fund of good stories and sensible advice.

Also drop into Field of Dreams for a drink and look around. If your hotel is in Playa Dorada (is it?) then FoD is almost opposite on the other side of the highway. You may decide to stay there next time.

Sorry I can't be there to meet you this trip. Next time?

03-25-2009, 04:30 PM
More questions if you guys have the time.

1. I read somewhere that DR has one of the highest HIV/AIDs statistics. Should I be worried about this?

You should have read the Washington Post which last week reported the HIV/AIDS rate in our Nation's Capital at over 3%.

The HIV/ AIDS rate in the Dominican Republic (2007 census) is at 1.1%.

That's down from the 2002 census estimate of 1.7%

Don't worry about the pussy. It's safe. I know. Worry about the water.

03-26-2009, 11:52 AM
Sorry I can't be there to meet you this trip. Next time?

For sure Weyland, thanks for your help! :corky:

03-26-2009, 11:53 AM
Don't worry about the pussy. It's safe. I know. Worry about the water.

Lol, amen!

03-26-2009, 03:08 PM
Hey I just logged on and wow thanks for the tips guys. I see I may have made a few mistakes but like you all said, read up! That I shall do to ensure I get the best out of my vacation! I will call my resort tmw to see if I can drop the reservation with no fee, if not then Ill just probably improvise. More questions if you guys have the time.

1. I read somewhere that DR has one of the highest HIV/AIDs statistics. Should I be worried about this?
2. How far is Cabañas that weyland recommended (From my resort)?
3. How is the disco on the Golden Beach holiday village resort (Ladies-wise)?

Thanks for the wonderful tips guys. And yes Ill take lots of pictures for sure.1. Take precautions as you should anywhere.

2. The cabanas are around a 15 minute drive from your resort in Playa Dorada.
I like Sensacion which was 480 pesos for 4 hours in a big jacuzzi room in December.

3. The disco at HVGB used to be Mangu but I think it is called Spice now or something like that.
They were closed for quite some time and just opened recently so I don't know how it is but I suspect it sucks for chicas as Playa Dorada clamped down on putas quite some time ago.
There are some chicas at Coco Bongo and Hemingway's at the Playa Dorada Plaza but they are not the blatant hard core putas.

Check out Cristals in Puerto Plata.
It is only 5 minutes away.
Daytime is slim pickings with few slim pickings but lots of talent at night.
Short time on site is $100 US and the rooms suck.
Salida is around $40 and some of the chicas want ridiculous amounts on top starting at $100 and up.

Also in Puerto Plata Luz Maria might be worth checking out.
Luz Maria's son took over the place and got new chicas and supposedly fixed up some rooms.
There was only 1 nice one when I went in December and she wanted 3500 pesos for on site short time.
She came down to 3000 but I didn't go for it.
Maybe he has more chicas now and I'd say 2500 is reasonable.

I have never liked Bohem but it might be worth checking out.
If you agree to buy a chica a drink here be aware that it will be a Hennessy that costs 350 pesos or some shit like that.
I think short time on site is $120 US.

Make sure you check out La Passion in Sosua as well as the beach.

If you want a good taxi driver/tour guide you can try my buddy Carlos at 809-855-4193.

kris boog
03-26-2009, 03:45 PM
Check out Cristals in Puerto Plata.

It is only 5 minutes away.
Daytime is slim pickings with few slim pickings but lots of talent at night.
Short time on site is $100 US and the rooms suck.
Salida is around $40 and some of the chicas want ridiculous amounts on top starting at $100 and up.

Also in Puerto Plata Luz Maria might be worth checking out.
Luz Maria's son took over the place and got new chicas and supposedly fixed up some rooms.
There was only 1 nice one when I went in December and she wanted 3500 pesos for on site short time.
She came down to 3000 but I didn't go for it.
Maybe he has more chicas now and I'd say 2500 is reasonable.

I have never liked Bohem but it might be worth checking out.
If you agree to buy a chica a drink here be aware that it will be a Hennessy that costs 350 pesos or some shit like that.
I think short time on site is $120 US.

Goodness Gracious !!! Those prices are fun prohibitive.....

03-26-2009, 04:06 PM
Goodness Gracious !!! Those prices are fun prohibitive.....
They certainly make mine droop. There are plenty of 1000 peso ST and 1500 peso TLN chicas in Puerto Plata but you have to seek them out and build a collection of phone numbers over time. This is fine for guys who live there but a big ask for someone on a week or two's holiday.

Going in to Sosúa gives an large and instant selection at reasonable prices, but where is someone51423 to take them? The cabañas are the wrong side of Puerto Plata or in the other direction past Cabarete. Very inconvenient for him and extra expense. It has always surprised me that the most concentrated whore area in the DR has no cabañas on its doorstep.

It all comes back to not staying in an AI if you want to fuck a lot of chicas.

Looks like Passions might be getting a lot of on-site business from him this trip! Passions is pricey, but cheaper than Cristal and El Bohen, and if you factor in expense of taxis and cabañas it could work out his most economical option, plus a pleasant safe environment among nice people.

03-26-2009, 04:30 PM
Goodness Gracious !!! Those prices are fun prohibitive.....That is the safe mongering scene for someone going to Playa Dorada for a week.

I'm sure he can find something on the malecon for 500 pesos.

Maybe he has enough game that he won't have to pay anything.
Just hit the car washes, tipicos, discos, casinos, restaurants etc.