View Full Version : ISOC bar crawl last night

03-14-2009, 01:07 PM
I was hanging at home when yayow called my cell asking if I was home. I said yep and he said he was a bit early. Buzzed him in, and we caught up for a few and then headed out to cajero and meet my taxi guy. Traxi guy dropped us of at Pal Alba and when we opened the door I was afraid they weren't open yet.

I looked to the right and sitting at the bar was mrhappy. The only guy in the place so far. Introductions and some beers were ordered and we sat down to shoot the shit. mrhappy has been here forever and was giving out info on all sorts of stuff including health insurance etc.

The chicas look better in person than in fotos and there seemed like an endless stream showing up. Yayow at first thought it was a ho bar but we explained that it is same set up as other piano bar type places. The cutest chica is the one that apparently has a "shit don't stink" attitude but there were plenty of friendly waitresses etc.

mrhappys jeepeta was getting cleaned and we were wondering where domwolf was. Mrhappy tried to call but no answer. Then a waitress comes up to me to tell me domwolf was on his way. It was funny as she used his real name and I was like WHO? lol

The owner's main squeeze knows me but we have never even said hello etc,but this time we decided to head over to Hot Cafe to meet domwolf and when mrhappy and yayow went out to get car and I was waiting for change kenia came over and said hello etc. She asked if I remember her as she lived in my apt for 3 months years back. I said yeah and she asked how long I was in town for and I said I live here. . . .she then asked if I have a novia. . . .lol. Bet she would try to hook me up with a waitress etc. . . .

We jump in car and had a few kilometers to Hot Cafe. Domwolf, Mrhappy and I had met there maybe 4 years ago with a sort of ISG mini get together. Domwolf was sitting at bar with a chica celebrating her bday and we made room and grabbed seats. The girls here were friendly so we spent some time goofing around, shooting the shit. . .. .yayow of course dancing and taking pics and the chicas laughing at my iphone "tricks". . . . . .

After a bunch of beer domwolf had to bail and we agreed not to wait four years to repeat.
Mrhappy and yayow wanted to check out another place and mrhappy had never been to Franklin Bar so we went there. Mrhappy says it looked like his type of place as the music was lower in volume and a more mellow vibe etc. There were even a few girls hanging out that didn't work there, one with a rocking body but the face not so much. . .. probably figuring out if she wants to work there etc.

We watched out dominican business men would walk in and grab their fave waitress and grab a table to chat, flirt and dance etc.

We decided to hit one more spot so I took them to Babaloo which is impossible to find if you didn't know it was there. Hidden in back of liquor store. We walk in and through some aisles of liquor and wine and there is a glass door. . . .we open it up and bam.. . .. lots of cute waitresses and some customers having a good time etc.

Our chubby barmaid was from santa cruz bolivia and a cute chica that caught mrhappy's eye with an exotic "asian" look turns out to be from. . . . MEDELLIN!!! lol I showed her a few pics I took in medellin a few weeks back and she said she hadn't gone there in 7 years etc.

There was a very tall chica that looked nice but mrhappy said too big as he is a confirmed spinner fan. Yayow likes em all but may lean towards "thick" and I am all over the place so it was fun comparing notes etc.

mrhappy dropped us off at hot dog stand so yayow could grab a bite and we jumped in a taxi back to gazcue. I got back to my apt and my amga from STI who had called or texted me a bunch called when I got in and said "I am naked" in english and then said call her back. . . . .she was horny as hell and after 2 minutes of phone sex had a very vocal orgasm. . . . . lol. . . she is sure starting to look like a keeper;-)

03-14-2009, 01:54 PM
Yes a very good time had by all, real good to meet Domwolf and Mr. Happy, they seem like real cool guys, and plan on hanging with them some time in the not to distant future.

Took a few pictures and will post here, I will give my thoughts on the night in a future post after resizing the photos.

03-14-2009, 03:28 PM
We are getting ready for an April bar crawl in Medellin, acually more like an ice cream crawl.

03-14-2009, 06:01 PM
more like an ice cream crawl.

That would sound like fun coming from almost ANYONE but you ! ! !

03-14-2009, 06:02 PM
ewwwwwwwwww . . . I need a shower ! ! ! !

03-14-2009, 08:21 PM
Dudes i had a great time, sorry i pulled a dominican and was late,,,,,, had to shake the wife, she was smelling something in the air , but i got away......

Yayow kool time meeting you, Mr Happy like always way kool , and Prtyr2 even if you look like an 80's rock band former member you are kool in my book jajajajajaja.

We need to do this again but next time we should go to D'Barbara and maybe Mambo.

03-14-2009, 10:09 PM
We stopped at four different bars:

(1) Pal Alba - Nice spot off of Ave. Independencia, hard to find, next or attached to a car wash. Would definitely return. Of all the places we went I felt the quality of chica was probably the best for my particular likes and they had the most girls. But we got there early around 5:00 pm so the girls didn't have a lot of energy, compared to the other places. P2, Mr. Happy and myself were at this location.

(2) Hot Cafe - Further west on Ave. Independencia, again another hard place to find unless you knew what you were looking for. The girls here were the most fun and I had a great time there, met up with Domwolf at this location. Of the places we went I would rate the girls there third looks or quality wise. We spent the most time here. Here are a few shots from there:

location: sign above the door and the place next door, which is easier to spot from the road.



Getting my groove on with the chicas.







03-14-2009, 10:18 PM
One of the chicas decided to get up on the bar and shake her thang:



Then the chicas decided to have some fun in front of the camera, dancing posing generally just enjoying themselves:

I liked this one, I wonder why? :rolleyes::p


some more photos:






this one had the prettiest eyes:


the boys with their backs to me, having a drink and chatting up the chicas:


03-14-2009, 10:26 PM
WOW! Never thought i would say this but...GREAT POST P2

and LT, you really look good bro...you gotta glow to you man! Seems like your really enjoying retirement down there and living the life!

great pics and stories guys.

03-14-2009, 10:40 PM
(3) Next stop Franklin's Bar - The most quiet of the places, very relaxing spot. Less girls working there, and seems like a place that the Dominicans bring their girls sometimes for dates, the other places the Dominicanos seem to go by themselves or with their buddies to hang and drink with the chicas working the clubs. This night I would rate the girls fourth, but the other time I was there the girls were better. As P2 always reminds me, everynight is different as to which girls will show up, so a place that you rank first one night might be 2nd or 4th the next time you show up.


(4) Final stop was the liquor store with the bar in the back of the store this place was on Betancourt which is the continuation of Bolivar. Again another place you wouldn't find unless you knew it was there. A fun place and I would rate the quality of the chicas second (had a couple that was really my style), again would difinitely return. As P2 said there was a Colombiana there who I thought was a Filiapina when I first saw her, there were a few other girls there that were from different latin countries, a good variety. The chicas here also were very friendly.

A couple of quick pictures:

the outside of the liquor store


the inside of the liquor store and the door in the back that leads to the club



the colombiana, she was cute (the light in the place didn't do her justice with her fair skin):



Again a thanks to the guys for showing me around, because these places I know I wouldn't be able to find by myself and certainly wouldn't have as much fun going stag. Plus I appreciate the continuing education I am getting from the guys, (the stories and knowledge is priceless) and it certainly takes off a lot of time in the learning curve, when a couple of experienced guys show you around. This is similiar to when I wanted to learn about Puerta Plata, I was fortunate at that time because Dominican Billy was kind enough to take the time to show me a few spots.

03-14-2009, 10:57 PM
No pics on the last post Stew....?

03-14-2009, 10:58 PM
Dudes i had a great time, sorry i pulled a dominican and was late,,,,,, had to shake the wife, she was smelling something in the air , but i got away......

Yayow kool time meeting you, Mr Happy like always way kool , and Prtyr2 even if you look like an 80's rock band former member you are kool in my book jajajajajaja.

We need to do this again but next time we should go to D'Barbara and maybe Mambo.

80s rock band? There were no rock bands in the 80s;-) 70s maybe!!!!

I want to check out D'Barbara and Mambo is usually pretty cool etc. As long as we don't wait 4 years to do it again!!!!

03-14-2009, 11:02 PM
No pics on the last post Stew....?

Don't know why when I check they were there let me try again.

03-14-2009, 11:06 PM
Don't know what the problem is 3some, I'll check it out again tommorrow.

03-14-2009, 11:07 PM
Don't know what the problem is 3some, I'll check it out again tommorrow.

No problem, just enjoying your guys adventures and saw your last post, had looked like you added pictures but they weren't there.

03-14-2009, 11:07 PM
WOW! Never thought i would say this but...GREAT POST P2

and LT, you really look good bro...you gotta glow to you man! Seems like your really enjoying retirement down there and living the life!

great pics and stories guys.

LOL! Wow surprised two guys in one week;-) What is next? papi and I agreeing on politics or baseball? east coast downgrading his hate of me to sever dislike?

lol These are the types of places I hang out at most of the time and lets face it until recently not much interest to most members here as they are not really P4P places.

The last few months the board has diversified a bit. Dom Wolf has always been a piano bar, car wash kind of guy because he lives here. Mrhappy has been around more than most of us put together. Yayow is looking for different types of adventures now that he is fulltime in SDQ. Curious Dude is into experiencing non p4p stuff along with enjoying his vacation.

You have Eriks saying how his perspective has changed sine spending more time down in DR. Jimmy contemplating a colombiana with kids. Juan weighing the benefits of marriage vs mongering etc etc etc.

I am sure the guys that have met me will say I am pretty much exactly the same in person as I am online as far as what I believe in etc. . . . of course it is easy to not get your point across as easy with typed words rather than in person etc.

I have met a lot of guys that their "online persona" is different than they are in person. . . . mainly because they are afraid of getting heat or of "peer pressure" etc etc etc.

I haven't really changed that much but there are more people open to more points of view in many ways than we have had in the past etc.

Hopefully it won't be so shocking in the future;-)

03-14-2009, 11:16 PM
All i see is a little red x on all these pics:(
One of the chicas decided to get up on the bar and shake her thang:

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5b06d7a45.jpg)

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5b0705ac9.jpg)

Then the chicas decided to have some fun in front of the camera, dancing posing generally just enjoying themselves:

I liked this one, I wonder why? :rolleyes::p

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5b07490ad.jpg)

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5b0705ac9.jpg)

some more photos:

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5b07ad1e4.jpg)

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc59eb061a9.jpg)

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc59ea54c0d.jpg)

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc59ead9896.jpg)

this one had the prettiest eyes:

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5c3d4027a.jpg)

the boys having a drink and chatting up the chicas:

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc59ea11628.jpg)

03-14-2009, 11:17 PM
and i see the same red x on all these pics:( Am i the only one not seeing these pictures?
(3) Next stop Franklin's Bar - The most quiet of the places, very relaxing spot. Less girls working there, and seems like a place that the Dominicans bring their girls sometimes for dates, the other places the Dominicanos seem to go by themselves or with their buddies to hang and drink with the chicas working the clubs. This night I would rate the girls fourth, but the other time I was there the girls were better. As P2 always reminds me, everynight is different as to which girls will show up, so a place that you rank first one night might be 2nd or 4th the next time you show up.

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5c3da37fa.jpg)

(4) Final stop was the liquor store with the bar in the back of the store this place was on Betancourt which is the continuation of Bolivar. Again another place you wouldn't find unless you knew it was there. A fun place and I would rate the quality of the chicas second (had a couple that was really my style), again would difinitely return. As P2 said there was a Colombiana there who I thought was a Filiapina when I first saw her, there were a few other girls there that were from different latin countries, a good variety. The chicas here also were very friendly.

A couple of quick pictures:

the outside of the liquor store

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5d8d68a82.jpg)

the inside of the liquor store and the door in the back that leads to the club

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5d8d26056.jpg)

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5d8d039ad.jpg)

the colombiana, she was cute (the light in the place didn't do her justice with her fair skin):

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5c3de5287.jpg)

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc5c3e11f82.jpg)

Again a thanks to the guys for showing me around, because these places I know I wouldn't be able to find by myself and certainly wouldn't have as much fun going stag. Plus I appreciate the continuing education I am getting from the guys, (the stories and knowledge is priceless) and it certainly takes off a lot of time in the learning curve, when a couple of experienced guys show you around. This is similiar to when I wanted to learn about Puerta Plata, I was fortunate at that time because Dominican Billy was kind enough to take the time to show me a few spots.

03-14-2009, 11:48 PM
I think I know what happened, I deleted the pictures after posting them in the thread, from my images to get more room for other pictures, I guess when you do that it deletes them everywhere, I wasn't aware of that so I guess I have to re do them, sorry for the inconvenience. I guess that when you delete them from your images, it deletes them from everywhere you posted them, I figured once they were posted they would be there regardless. I guess I was wrong.

03-15-2009, 01:10 AM
I think they all should be reloaded again, sorry for the mix up. :o

03-15-2009, 01:15 AM
Just did a double check everything seems to be fine now.

03-15-2009, 01:22 AM
You and I have very similar taste in chicas Yayow ;).
Love the brown eyes on her...she has a sexy - sassy -
just wanna have fun quality look to her.

I liked this one, I wonder why? :rolleyes::p

http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/images/statusicon/wol_error.gifClick this bar to view the full image.http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc85d49545f.jpg

some more photos:

http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/images/statusicon/wol_error.gifClick this bar to view the full image.http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc85d3e0bfd.jpg

03-15-2009, 01:25 AM
You and I have very similar taste in chicas Yayow ;).
Love the brown eyes on her...she has a sexy - sassy -
just wanna have fun quality look to her.

I liked this one, I wonder why? :rolleyes::p

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/images/statusicon/wol_error.gif)Click this bar to view the full image.Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc85d49545f.jpg)

some more photos:

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/images/statusicon/wol_error.gif)Click this bar to view the full image.Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc85d3e0bfd.jpg)

Yes she does, and you do have good taste, my friend, I think I will have to go back and talk to her a little bit more.:cheesygrin:

03-15-2009, 05:04 AM
I liked this one, I wonder why? :rolleyes::p

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc85d49545f.jpg)

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc85d3e0bfd.jpg)

Cause she's sexxxxy as hell...good lawddd!!!! If her skills came anywhere
close to matching the personality coming across in these pics...I'd have to
go for a double TLN with her fine ass! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Great report!!! Hope you guys had great time.

03-15-2009, 06:29 AM
Cause she's sexxxxy as hell...good lawddd!!!! If her skills came anywhere
close to matching the personality coming across in these pics...I'd have to
go for a double TLN with her fine ass! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Great report!!! Hope you guys had great time.

Just remember thatbthis is not a real p4p place. You don't just walk in and say 2000 pesos TLN. Now. . . .that may work with SOME girls in some places but these gurls work in these places rather than GBP etc for a reason. They make more money and have a more fun job than the girls workingat a supermarket etc. They are not obligated to go out with any customers and certainly not ones they don't like.

Many times a domnican with bucks will pluck them out of the bar and "keep them". In fact we saw some who were sitting around looking bored until their "regulars" showed up and they went and sat with them. They may make 3000-4000 per month and then another 5k -15k or more in tips.

I would say that hot cafe is probably easier to score at based on the chicas that were there that night. I had been to Hot Cafe a month or two earlier and there was only one chica that was "ok". . . . . as these places change overnight.

Pal Alba most girls probably would be less likely to leave with a guy there his first night.
If the girls get to know you and see you spend a lot of time in DR or live there your odds go up.

Babaloo probably had the chicas that would be hardest to win over. Now I am not saying it would be all that hard IF the chica digs you.

So these places are not for the guy coming down for 5 days looking to get laid all they can.

03-15-2009, 07:57 AM
The best part of the entire evening was classic "doing what guys do"... hang out together, have a few beers, have a good time, with lots of eye candy of all types to supply the visual entertainment, and none of the drama of hardcore girls.

The little "my shit don't stink" spinner at Pal Alba really caught my eye. I'm going to have to go back and get a picture of her, if Domwolf doesn't beat me to it. My kind of eye candy.

I don't know about you guys, but I can't believe how fast we ate up 5 hours, and we didn't even drink that much! We didn't even stop at Jey Jey, and we drove right past the place.

I'm up for hitting the next 3-4 places. Just let me know. P2 is off to faraway places again in another day or two, so let's do it as soon as he gets back.

03-15-2009, 08:06 AM
All i see is a little red x on all these pics:(

This is probably a topic that I need to address with Don Tomas.

But now I understand why when I go back and review old trip reports etc. I always see the red x where the pictures should be; I had always assumed that I couldn't get those pictures, simply because I didn't have a high enough access level.

It is too bad but understandable, with so many members there is only so much space on the site. The unfortunate thing is that when you need more room to put in newer photos, you are taking the photos out of an old post or thread, therefore leaving the old post or thread w/o the full charm it once had.

I also see where from now on I will have to be more discretionary in the pictures I choose to upload, to the my images section. In the past, or take for example this post, I used about 20 photos in the post after they were resized. But I had uploaded about 40 or so photos into the my images section from that night, so the other 20 or so photos were just taking up space and therefore caused me less room in the my images section. I would up load more photos because it gave me more flexibility in how I would shape my post or the ability to go in different directions.

Also it makes you wonder how long do you allow the photos to stay in your my images section before deleting them and adding new ones. Do you try to keep them in for 3 days, a week, a month?

Unfortunately I am not the most computer savvy guy but I will try to continue to learn as I go.

03-15-2009, 08:17 AM
We are getting ready for an April bar crawl in Medellin, acually more like an ice cream crawl.

JImmy, more like Coca-Cola Floats!

Don Tomas
03-15-2009, 11:42 AM
This is probably a topic that I need to address with Don Tomas.

But now I understand why when I go back and review old trip reports etc. I always see the red x where the pictures should be; I had always assumed that I couldn't get those pictures, simply because I didn't have a high enough access level.

It is too bad but understandable, with so many members there is only so much space on the site. The unfortunate thing is that when you need more room to put in newer photos, you are taking the photos out of an old post or thread, therefore leaving the old post or thread w/o the full charm it once had.

I also see where from now on I will have to be more discretionary in the pictures I choose to upload, to the my images section. In the past, or take for example this post, I used about 20 photos in the post after they were resized. But I had uploaded about 40 or so photos into the my images section from that night, so the other 20 or so photos were just taking up space and therefore caused me less room in the my images section. I would up load more photos because it gave me more flexibility in how I would shape my post or the ability to go in different directions.

Also it makes you wonder how long do you allow the photos to stay in your my images section before deleting them and adding new ones. Do you try to keep them in for 3 days, a week, a month?

Unfortunately I am not the most computer savvy guy but I will try to continue to learn as I go.

We have lots of space now with the new server. Don't feel you ever have to delete your pictures, unless you want to for personal reasons.

You have about 200 pictures in VBImageHost right now but have a limit of 5,000.

03-15-2009, 12:09 PM
The best part of the entire evening was classic "doing what guys do"... hang out together, have a few beers, have a good time, with lots of eye candy of all types to supply the visual entertainment, and none of the drama of hardcore girls.

The little "my shit don't stink" spinner at Pal Alba really caught my eye. I'm going to have to go back and get a picture of her, if Domwolf doesn't beat me to it. My kind of eye candy.

I don't know about you guys, but I can't believe how fast we ate up 5 hours, and we didn't even drink that much! We didn't even stop at Jey Jey, and we drove right past the place.

I'm up for hitting the next 3-4 places. Just let me know. P2 is off to faraway places again in another day or two, so let's do it as soon as he gets back.

Time flies!!!!! That spinner was very cute but it looks like a tough one to break down and get her to relax. . . . ya never know. Jey Jey has been pretty weak lately but as I was saying all night these places change all the time as the cute ones get snatched up, chicas change bars, and new chicas are brought in etc.

I may be gone for as much as 5 weeks but am already looking at buzzing back down for a few days to "mule" down some items I bought stateside that would cost too much in customs etc. All depends on how heavy my workload will be during april etc.

I'll let you guys know when I am coming down etc. We can do a Franklin, Babaloo, D Barbera, mambo run or any other combination!

03-15-2009, 12:11 PM
The best part of the entire evening was classic "doing what guys do"... hang out together, have a few beers, have a good time, with lots of eye candy of all types to supply the visual entertainment, and none of the drama of hardcore girls.

The little "my shit don't stink" spinner at Pal Alba really caught my eye. I'm going to have to go back and get a picture of her, if Domwolf doesn't beat me to it. My kind of eye candy.

I don't know about you guys, but I can't believe how fast we ate up 5 hours, and we didn't even drink that much! We didn't even stop at Jey Jey, and we drove right past the place.

I'm up for hitting the next 3-4 places. Just let me know. P2 is off to faraway places again in another day or two, so let's do it as soon as he gets back.

Happy is a very Happy guy to hang with, we did last year.

03-15-2009, 08:29 PM
Just remember thatbthis is not a real p4p place. You don't just walk in and say 2000 pesos TLN...

Got it...but she's still sexxxxy as hell!!! And I still hope you guys had a great time! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

03-16-2009, 06:23 AM
We have lots of space now with the new server. Don't feel you ever have to delete your pictures, unless you want to for personal reasons.

You have about 200 pictures in VBImageHost right now but have a limit of 5,000.

Thanks D.T. that is good to know, I was under the impression that there was only room for 500 or so images to be saved, but obviously that is not a problem any longer with the new server.

03-16-2009, 12:22 PM
I hit Hot Cafe again on Saturday to see what the if the chica i was talking to was really feeling me or what, I had forgotten that Saturdays at Hot Cafe are still Bikini days..........

The place was packed but still had some fun .......

03-16-2009, 12:51 PM
I hit Hot Cafe again on Saturday to see what the if the chica i was talking to was really feeling me or what, I had forgotten that Saturdays at Hot Cafe are still Bikini days..........

The place was packed but still had some fun .......

Bikini days huuuh??? Let's see what I see when; I look in the crystal ball .............. I see a Hot Cafe Saturday in my future.:rofl:

03-16-2009, 03:02 PM

03-16-2009, 05:58 PM
Bikini days huuuh??? Let's see what I see when; I look in the crystal ball .............. I see a Hot Cafe Saturday in my future.:rofl:

Tuesday night is bikini nigyt at Mambo and I think sunday is domingo playero at City Nights. . . . . lots of options. . . . . .I just got back from having a few skols at a kiosk on copacabana beach. I am beat and staying in tonight as it took me over 24 hours to get here!!!

03-16-2009, 06:23 PM
the boys with their backs to me, having a drink and chatting up the chicas:

Click to see pic (http://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/imagehosting/1058349bc83b943cca.jpg)

I'll bet that is P2 with the long ponytail....80's rock band style...:p

03-16-2009, 07:45 PM
I just kicked this number out my door just a few moments ago....... she was a very bad pick, what we were feeling at hotcafe was not the same back here.

I give her a 5 for effort and a 5 for attitude.

Just so you guys can see, at these Regular Clubs you can hook up but it's not always as you wanted. Good thing it was only $500 for her cab fares.

Now i need to call one of my regular GF to get the bad sex out of me........ Dam

03-16-2009, 09:01 PM
What happened exactly??? details...DETAILS!!!

I just kicked this number out my door just a few moments ago....... she was a very bad pick, what we were feeling at hotcafe was not the same back here.

I give her a 5 for effort and a 5 for attitude.

Just so you guys can see, at these Regular Clubs you can hook up but it's not always as you wanted. Good thing it was only $500 for her cab fares.

Now i need to call one of my regular GF to get the bad sex out of me........ Dam

03-16-2009, 09:04 PM
I'll bet that is P2 with the long ponytail....80's rock band style...:p

If he grew some facial hair, he'd be ready for ZZ Top!!

03-16-2009, 10:03 PM
If he grew some facial hair, he'd be ready for ZZ Top!!

Maybe once I hit puberty;-)

03-16-2009, 10:16 PM
when i we chatted in the bar there was a good vibe, saw on on saturday same good vibe ( and no i do not get drunk i only drink Ciclon ajajjajaja)

We chatted over the phone on sunday had her come over today.

when it came to the ACT, she was not good, hey could have been that i made a mental picture before hand and it did not live up to the expectations.

Maybe she is just a bad lay , who knows but it was just so-so.

03-17-2009, 07:13 AM
Bikini days huuuh??? Let's see what I see when; I look in the crystal ball .............. I see a Hot Cafe Saturday in my future.:rofl:

Yup, me too.. we may not be able to wait until P2 comes back...

03-17-2009, 10:50 AM
Yup, me too.. we may not be able to wait until P2 comes back...

Hell no. Don't wait for me!! Enjoy!!!!

03-18-2009, 06:32 AM
Just so you guys can see, at these Regular Clubs you can hook up but it's not always as you wanted. Good thing it was only $500 for her cab fares.

Yes you can hook up, but again it helps to have a good grasp of the spanish when you go into a regular club, or if not the good grasp, the time to spend a few days allowing her to get to know you, which of course the spanish also could help you there too. The reason why I say these things is because in a regular club, just throwing money very often doesn't work, because she doesn't want her friends or other dominicans to think that she is nothing but a puta.

Unfortunately if you are on a short mongering vacation you often don't have the fluent spanish, and you definitely don't have the time to invest.

03-18-2009, 10:41 PM
Franklin's Bar I need to go there where is it? How do I get there ? I want the chica the one that looks asian.
Rick Mass

03-18-2009, 10:55 PM
Franklin's Bar I need to go there where is it? How do I get there ? I want the chica the one that looks asian.
Rick Mass

Where the asian looking chick was at was not Franklin's Bar, but the last place we went to called Babaloo's. It's hidden in the back of a liquor store, and you will difinitely need directions to find it. I'm not familiar with the area but I am sure P2 or Mr. Happy can give you decent directions. Good luck and give a report if you score it.

The below post is from P2 the first post of this thread.:

We decided to hit one more spot so I took them to Babaloo which is impossible to find if you didn't know it was there. Hidden in back of liquor store. We walk in and through some aisles of liquor and wine and there is a glass door. . . .we open it up and bam.. . .. lots of cute waitresses and some customers having a good time etc.

03-19-2009, 10:23 AM
I don't want to discourage you, but finding Babaloo takes a major effort.

I drove down Romulo Betancourt yesterday 3 times looking for that stupid liquor store, and missed it. (gotta keep a keen eye on traffic on that avenue)

There is no Babaloo sign, only the Liquor store.

Once I have the exact address, I'll stick it up.

If you don't want to wait, turn west on Romulo Betancourt off of Nunez de Caceres, the liquor store will be on the left, ROUGHLY 4-5 blocks in from Nunez.

The name of the Liqour Store is COOL, big blue sign with white letters. Franklins is a little futher west, and very easy to miss too.

Those places are discreet for a reason.

03-19-2009, 11:05 AM
I don't want to discourage you, but finding Babaloo takes a major effort.

I drove down Romulo Betancourt yesterday 3 times looking for that stupid liquor store, and missed it. (gotta keep a keen eye on traffic on that avenue)

There is no Babaloo sign, only the Liquor store.

Once I have the exact address, I'll stick it up.

If you don't want to wait, turn west on Romulo Betancourt off of Nunez de Caceres, the liquor store will be on the left, ROUGHLY 4-5 blocks in from Nunez.

The name of the Liqour Store is COOL, big blue sign with white letters. Franklins is a little futher west, and very easy to miss too.

Those places are discreet for a reason.

Further down in this thread are some pictures of both the liquor store (Babaloo inside) and Franklin's from the outside, they may help you by acting as landmarks.

03-19-2009, 01:18 PM
Yep.. . .In fact I am not sure how I first found babaloo and Frankin. . . .. lol. . . .
Don't forget that Jey Jey is between Babaloo and Franklin. There is another place off of betancourt but don't remember the name and of course Condessa but that is a MP/Casa. . . . oh yeah and Jotas used to be in the area as well.

Ever been to Mamayes? Probably the most famous of these type places.

I don't want to discourage you, but finding Babaloo takes a major effort.

I drove down Romulo Betancourt yesterday 3 times looking for that stupid liquor store, and missed it. (gotta keep a keen eye on traffic on that avenue)

There is no Babaloo sign, only the Liquor store.

Once I have the exact address, I'll stick it up.

If you don't want to wait, turn west on Romulo Betancourt off of Nunez de Caceres, the liquor store will be on the left, ROUGHLY 4-5 blocks in from Nunez.

The name of the Liqour Store is COOL, big blue sign with white letters. Franklins is a little futher west, and very easy to miss too.

Those places are discreet for a reason.

03-19-2009, 01:29 PM
At Jey Jey I saw the sign VIP in front of the stair !
Do they have any special rooms available ?

03-19-2009, 10:36 PM
I thiink I got my log & lats wrong I thought you where talkin about the NC. Now I see its down south in SD. My mistake. .
Rick Mass