View Full Version : Morales for progress on EPA

03-16-2009, 04:50 PM
Foreign Relations Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso is calling on Caribbean Community (Caricom) heads of state and government to implement the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union. Morales Troncoso called for regional coordination to ensure the flow of aid resources, to facilitate the legal and institutional changes that need to be implemented, and to make effective the technical assistance to the countries that require this to fulfill what has been agreed on.
Morales made his comments on occasion of attending the Caricom Heads of Government meet in Belize from 12-13 March. Caribbean leaders met to discuss the effects of the current global economic and financial crisis on the region and possible mitigating actions. This in addition to the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) signed with the European Union (EU).
Morales said that the member states should reach all decisions by consensus, in line with international treaties.
He favored opening a Cariforum general secretariat office, a space where the DR already engages with Caricom nations.
Morales said that during the transition towards setting up this office, the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery should serve as regional coordinator. "We have the greatest interest in ensuring that the entire region will benefit from the new European cooperation. We believe that our position is constructive, we only seek to ensure that all make the most of this cooperation, and that we can overcome the inefficiencies that have been observed in the past," he said, as reported in Hoy. The newspaper writes that a regional coordinator was not appointed during the Belize meeting.
Morales traveled to Belize accompanied by deputy foreign minister Jose Manuel Trullols, ambassador to the European Union and recently appointed Dominican ambassador to the United Nations in New York Federico Cuello, Dominican ambassador to El Salvador Roberto Victoria, secretary of trade negotiations at the Ministry of Foreign Relations Cesar Dargam, and economist Roberto Despradel.

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