View Full Version : Need to reinforce ID security

03-20-2009, 03:00 PM
Central Electoral Board judge Eddy Olivares has told Listin Diario that there is a need to unify the registration systems for issuing ID cards (cedulas), civil registration and voting registration. He said that the biometric system that the JCE had contracted to SOMO but was subsequently suspended, would only partly solve the matter. He said the problem of people with multiple ID cards would prevail during the upcoming municipal and legislative elections. He said that identity fraud is on the rise because of the lack of security mechanisms for the ID card. "Given that the voting in the congressional and municipal elections is for individual candidacies, where a senator, deputy or mayor can win by a difference of as little as 2, 5 or 10 votes, as has happened in the past, the results could be fraudulent and as a result, the entire process would be contaminated," he told Listin Diario.

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