View Full Version : [DR1] Three minority parties survive

06-06-2006, 02:10 PM
Only three of 19 minority parties recognized by the Central Electoral Board as eligible for participation in the May 2006 congressional and municipal election passed the test of the election. The rest failed to achieve the minimum 2% vote needed to maintain their official status as political parties. The Bloque Institucional Social Democrata (BIS), headed by one of former PRD leader Jose Francisco Pena Gomez' sons; the Partido Democrata Popular (PDP) and current Environment Minister Max Puig's Alianza Por la Democracia (APD) achieved the minimum vote level. The BIS received 98,278 votes (2.72%), the APD received 84,566 votes (2.34%) and the PDP barely met 2% level.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)