View Full Version : Re-election in the Constitution

03-24-2009, 05:10 PM
Political interests have always led constitutional reforms in the Dominican Republic, with the issue of Presidential re-election at the center of these changes. While the Constitution of 1963, under which then President Juan Bosch governed eliminated it, re-election was brought back in after President Joaquin Balaguer took office in 1966. In the 1994 and 2002 constitutional reform process, re-election was again the focus. In the 2002 reform, presidential re-election was prohibited after a second term.
The Presidential proposal that will be studied by senators and deputies in Congress beginning today sets out two consecutive Constitutional terms and the option to run again after a four-year recess. In total, the reform project adds 132 articles to the current document.
In all, 210 legislators, 32 senators and 178 deputies have the right to vote. Voting to approve each point of the reform will be based on two thirds of those present. If the 210 are present, it will take 140 votes to pass.
The minimum quorum needed for the Assembly to be able to session is107 - 17 senators and 90 deputies - and the number needed to pass a motion would be 71 votes or two thirds of those present.
The PLD has 121 legislators, the PRD 68 and the PRSC has 21.
Each legislator will have a numbered identification plaque and will occupy the same seat at each session.

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