View Full Version : [DR1] Alternative energy

06-06-2006, 02:10 PM
Robert Zoellick, the US Under Secretary of State who is taking part in the Organization of American States general assembly in Santo Domingo told local journalists that it is unfortunate that Latin America has policies that impede and create obstacles for investment and development of alternative energy sources.

In the Dominican Republic, Congress has delayed studying a bill which has this objective. The alternative energy bill needs to be re-introduced to Congress. Diario Libre also reported that President Fernandez told Zoellick that Dominican investors weren't ready to take the step to produce ethanol. A local group has requested sugar mills, but the government has required them to pay arrears accumulated by previous owners of the mills that were privatized in the previous Fernandez administration.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)