View Full Version : [DR1] Venezuela - Peru conflict in Assembly

06-06-2006, 02:10 PM
During the first day of sessions of the 36th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), Peruvian Foreign Minister Oscar Maurtua asked the OAS not to remain indifferent and urged his colleagues to take action against Venezuela's interference in his country's internal affairs, which he defined as having "a dictatorial influence", according to a report by Diario Libre. He asked the organization to issue a statement on non-intervention, especially in electoral processes, after accusing Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez of campaigning with his support of Peruvian candidate Ollanta Humala. Maurtua's position was supported by Robert Zoellick, US Under Secretary of State, and by Francisco Esteban Lainez, Foreign Minister of El Salvador, who called upon the ministers present to support democratic governments "that are in that danger". In the afternoon, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Ali Rodriguez complained that a bilateral issue had been brought to the attention of the Assembly members, who had planned to talk about society and the development of knowledge. He accused the Peruvian Minister of covering up what he called President Alejandro Toledo's "offenses" towards Chavez. He challenged countries that express doubts about the legitimacy of Chavez's administration to introduce the Venezuelan referendum model into their constitutions.

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