View Full Version : Almeyda firing back

03-27-2009, 02:50 PM
Interior and Police Minister Franklin Almeyda Rancier is continuing his personal campaign against the PRD, this time calling the rival party, "a party of violence." Almeyda, who has been engaged in a war of words with PRD president Ramon Alburquerque, made his comments in the light of recent nationwide protests. Local campaigners are demanding road repairs and other public works projects. Hoy reports Almeyda's suspicion that these strikes were not spontaneous and described PRD member Miguel Vargas Maldonado's support of these protests as "irresponsible". Almeyda claims that the protests aren't even headed by members of the local communities, but by "mercenaries" who are brought to the communities to start trouble. Almeyda did not say who was funding these so-called mercenaries.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#3)