View Full Version : World Archery Cup

03-27-2009, 02:50 PM
A total of 29 countries have confirmed their participation in the Archery World Cup 2009. For the second year running, Santo Domingo is hosting the event from 31 March to 5 April 2009. Competitors from 28 countries in five continents will be attending. The event is organized following the International Archery Federation (FITA) rules for the World Cup for 2009, in both divisions: recurve and compound. Dominican team members are: Paris Goico de Lara, Modesto Antonio Betances, Cesar Lopez, Jose Miguel Robiou, Ibel Feliz, Elida Hurtado, Amarilis Reyes, Luis Diaz, Michael Stern, Gustavo Casanova, Manuel Guzman, Iara Tejada, Lya Solano and Adrien Portes. The finals are scheduled for 5 April at Plaza de Espana in the Colonial City.
www.archeryworldcup.org (http://www.archeryworldcup.org)

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