View Full Version : Eight arrested for drugs in Santiago

03-30-2009, 04:40 PM
The National Drug Control Department has carried out an operation in Santiago, arresting eight people for possession of military and DNCD uniforms intended for use in criminal activity. Also confiscated were weapons, a considerable amount of cocaine, two SUVs, a car, a motorcycle, radios and other items. Major General Gilberto Delgado Valdez named the detainees as the brothers Rafael de Jesus, Lirbania Maria and Francisco German Rodriguez Noesi, Mario Pena Brito, Luis Nunez Luciano, Altagracia Gonzalez Delgado, Edwin Antonio Rodriguez Santos and Leonardo Antonio. They were arrested when the DNCD raided a colmado in Santiago's Ensanche Libertad sector. Rafael Rodriguez Noemi has a criminal record dating back to his first arrest for drugs in 2002.

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