View Full Version : Professionalism on a diet

04-01-2009, 06:00 PM
The DR's business sector is taking aim at the low quality of professionals coming out of the nation's universities, saying that many businesses have to spend extra money in order to help bridge their educational and work deficiencies. During a recent meeting, Higher Education (SEECYT) Minister Ligia Amada Melo and representatives from the business sector criticized so-called "light professionals" who barely have the basic grasp of professionalism. Ivette Caceres, speaking on behalf of the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE), said that of 17 professionals interviewed by ANJE only three met the basic criteria. Caceres, quoted in Hoy, described the lack of spelling and writing skills by students studying for their Masters degrees as shameful. "The business sector does not need what is coming out of these universities," said Caceres. Andres Pedraza, also from ANJE, commented that there is a total disconnect between business and college graduates. Ramon Porfirio Baez, from the Dominican Graphic Arts Association (ADICA), said that it was not possible to have college graduates who were unable to use certain types of programs or equipment because their English was inadequate. National Business Council president Lisandro Macarulla summed it up when he said that, "all the nation's problems are based in a lack of education, from driving to corruption and bad political practices".

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