View Full Version : Poor neighborhoods discuss progress

04-06-2009, 05:00 PM
The National District's DA's office met with representatives from Villa Juana yesterday, during the first Neighborhood Summit Against Violence. This is the first of a series of summits between the DA's office and civic groups from 72 neighborhoods around the city to discuss the pressing issues affecting poorer neighborhoods. National District DA Alejandro Moscoso said that the summits were aimed at developing strategies to prevent violent behavior in Santo Domingo's neighborhoods. He said that to effectively prevent crime, the community needed to participate in diagnosing the problem and then providing proposals to curb crime. One proposal that was voiced was that everyone selling car replacement parts must have a permit from the government. This could go a long way in the sector of Villa Juana, which is known as the city's spare parts center. Stolen vehicle parts that end up there are often re-sold to unsuspecting consumers. Leaders also proposed closing known drug points and businesses that are known to play loud music during the day and night.

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