View Full Version : Government news service

04-07-2009, 01:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has announced the launch of a new governmental press service that will be managed by veteran journalist Ruddy Gonzalez. The agency will be known as Agencia Nacional de Noticias y Temas Nacionales (Antena). The new service is part of a multimedia promotional initiative that includes television channels and the Internet funded by the government. The service will be known as Canal Republica Dominicana TV and will be headed by Ruth Rodriguez. Ruddy Gonzalez said that their aim is to become the country's leading press service. "We are a new demonstration of the exercise of democracy, development and freedom of expression and press that the Dominican Republic is experiencing today," said Gonzalez upon introducing the new service. Presidential press secretary Rafael Nunez said that the new press agency would guarantee the right that all citizens have to know the full details of what those who govern the nation are doing, in a timely manner.

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