View Full Version : Introducing - charlyUSA

04-13-2009, 12:49 AM
How did you hear about our forum?
Search Engine

Please specify how you found our site, we would appreciate it

Marital status?
I Prefer not to Answer

Have you ever known the pleasures derived from financially procured female companionship?
Hell Yes!

Have you ever visited another country for mongering?

Countries I have visited for mongering.

thailand, cuba
also, i try to monger anywhere i go
soon going to DR,will be looking for info from other members in this forum, thanks

Do you have any other comments?


Please feel free to add any other details.

Tanks for the forum, i will post on my trips as much as possible


04-13-2009, 04:59 PM
Welcome!! Have fun checking out all the trip reports and the great pics.