View Full Version : Too much ecstasy

04-13-2009, 01:10 PM
The Public Policies Analysis Center (CAPP) led by PRSC deputy Victor Bisono has presented the findings of a study under the title "Reality of Drugs in the DR" which described the official mechanisms in place to combat drug trafficking and consumption as "weak". The findings were presented at the Universidad Catolica de Santo Domingo on Tuesday, 7 April. The Center studied drug trafficking and consumption from 2006-2008 and found that during that period 32.28% of violent deaths were tied to drug trafficking. Arrests for drug trafficking have increased from 4,797 arrested in 2006 to 7,946 in 2007 and 10,583 in 2008. Cocaine confiscated in 2007-2008 was up 86%.
One of the researchers, Gilberto Objio Subero, says that it is evident that the lack of border security makes the DR vulnerable to drug smuggling.
The survey showed that the DR is only behind the US and Canada in drug dealers arrested for trafficking in ecstasy (MDMA). The study also found that the DR is first in heroin confiscations in the Caribbean, and second when Central America is included, only surpassed by Panama. In cocaine confiscations, the country ranks second behind the Netherlands Antilles, and sixth in Central America.
Unfortunately this growing trafficking in drugs is proportional to a marked increase in domestic consumption, says the report.
Bisono called for the government to reinforce security at the border with Haiti. He also recommended the review of the Penal Procedures Code to harmonize police, investigators and judicial actions.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#12)