View Full Version : Business says we're losing out

04-16-2009, 02:50 PM
Speaking at a recent luncheon meeting of the Corripio Communications Group, Dominican Industrial Association (AIRD) president Manuel Diez did not mince his words. He said that the country is losing any competitive edge it had. He immediately followed up on this by saying that the country has to take some bold steps in order to revive its exports. Diez complained that nothing has been done over the last few months with the exception of relaxing some regulations. Five business groups were represented at the luncheon, and they set out a national agenda to promote exports and recoup the losses of the last few years. The main points on their agenda are very plain to see: An efficient electricity supply, fiscal equality on a par with the other DR-CAFTA countries, modification of the labor laws, access to competitive financing and interest rates, freedom in choosing freight and passenger transportation, promotion of Dominican export products and training for local human resources. The proposal was backed by the AIRD, the Agro-Industrial Board (JAD), the Dominican Exporters Association (Adoexpo), the Dominican Free Zones Association (Adozona) and the National Hotels and Restaurants Association (Asonahores). On the basic points, the business groups say that they need to have reliable electricity and the ability to contract for their energy straight from the generators as non-regulated consumers under the provisions of the General Law on Electricity. On the question of financing, the sector is demanding the elimination of export taxes on assets and income earned on exports. They also want the legal framework of the free zones to be modified so that it fits in with DR-CAFTA requirements, and they want tourism to be treated as an export and be subject to taxes on the same level as in competing nations in the region. In the area of transportation, the business community is demanding the end of the unions' monopolistic practices.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)