View Full Version : Euro Weakens as Trichet Fails to Assuage Concern ECB Is Split - Bloomberg

04-17-2009, 05:40 AM
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Euro Weakens as Trichet Fails to Assuage Concern ECB Is Split (http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=T&ct=us/3-0&fd=R&url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news%3Fpid%3D20601087%26sid%3DaaZZumLwXMo8%26refer%3Dhome&cid=1335237265&ei=IlDoScX1C4ScMvWUhcYC&usg=AFQjCNH4LRTPfqFh7lO3F61vJ4f_X2j9mw)
The currency slid to 129.96 yen, from 130.90 yen. The dollar was little changed at 99.37 yen, from 99.27 yen. The pound was also little changed at 88.27 per euro, and fell against 0.7 percent to $1.4817, from $1.4925. Trichet said in Tokyo today the ...

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