View Full Version : Dominican finds mummies

04-17-2009, 03:10 PM
She was looking for the tomb of Cleopatra and luckily stumbled upon 27 other tombs and 10 mummies, two of which were wrapped in gold. The discoveries were made by Dominican archeologist Dr. Kathleen Martinez, who with her findings confirmed a theory she proposed in 2005 about the remains in the Egyptian temples of Taposiris Magna. Martinez, leader of the expedition, says that the tombs contained coins with the faces of Cleopatra and Alexander the Great, beer and wine jars and a funeral mask, among other things. Personal artifacts that were found are believed to date back to between 323 to 30 BCE. Details of the findings were announced by Martinez during a press conference in Egypt, where she works at the Dominican Embassy. According to reports, the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities allowed radar technology to be used in the searches, which made it easier to find the tombs that are 20 meters below ground. Excavations should start within the next few weeks. Cooperation in this joint project between the DR and Egypt began three years ago, directed by Dr. Zahi Hawass, the Minister of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.

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