View Full Version : No consensus on abortion

04-21-2009, 05:20 PM
The PLD bloc of assembly members managed to arrive at a consensus on most of the 24 articles that were discussed yesterday, except for Article 30 that establishes the right to life "from conception to natural death". According to Diario Libre, this has led the ruling party bloc to try and reach an agreement with the other parties in order to send the issue to a commission where the 73 assembly members who have yet to express their opinions will be able to do so, and they can also listen to the sectors that want to express their opinions. In the presence of Vice President Rafael Alburquerque, Presidential Minister Cesar Pina Toribio and congressional leaders Reinaldo Pared Perez and Julio Cesar Valentin, the PLD assembly members debated the articles related to banning slavery, bondage and human trafficking, the right to privacy, respect and non-invasion of private life, family life, the home and the correspondence of the individual, liberty and personal security. Vice President Alburquerque stated that they were trying to avoid stalling the constitutional reform discussions and to proceed with the issues that are not generating conflicts. He said that the PLD plans to send this issue to a commission. The coordinator of the commission designated by President Fernandez said, "We want the assembly members to make their suggestions and discuss them there. They have made some interesting proposals." The assembly also discussed freedom of information and the right of conscience, and journalistic confidentiality, the freedom of unions, the rights of citizens to health care, social security, the right of workers to strike and of management to close down factories, the right of private property among other aspects, issues on which there was complete agreement among the PLD assembly members. For the next PLD bloc meeting, articles 52, 53, and 54 of the presidential proposals are going to be discussed. This meeting is set for next Friday at 10 o'clock in the morning.

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