View Full Version : Teachers' Social Security scandal

04-23-2009, 06:30 PM
Former president of the Dominican Teachers Association (ADP) and member of the board of directors of SEMMA, Maria Teresa Cabrera is accusing Francisco Cruz Pascual, the interim president of the board of the public school teachers insurance plan (ARS-SEMMA) of irregularities in office.
She reports that Cruz Pascual has incurred a series of irregularities such as the purchase of an SUV for his personal use at a cost of RD$2,088,450 and the allocation of a salary of RD$78,000 a month, as well as his salary as Deputy Minister of Education. Cruz Pascual is also was said to have taken on functions beyond his competence.
Last October Cruz Pascual warned Education Minister Melanio Paredes that the entity had a financial deficit of around RD$70 million.
Cabrera assured reporters that this deficit was not revealed to the board of directors until December and that on the contrary the last audit that was carried out in March registers a surplus of RD$44,251,000 at the end of 2008. Cabrera demanded that an investigation be launched to establish the truth of the financial deficit mentioned by Cruz Pascual as well as its causes.
She said that strangely, at the board meeting when Cruz Pascual reported the supposed deficit he requested the purchase of three vehicles, one for his personal use and two for medical supervision. She said that although the board was opposed to the purchase of a vehicle for his personal use, it approved the purchase of the two vehicles, but Cruz Pascual purchased the SUV for himself and did not purchase the two vehicles for the medical supervision, violating a board resolution. Because of the supposed irregularities, the Minister of Education took over the presidency of the board of directors of Semma last week.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)