View Full Version : Books for a show

04-23-2009, 06:30 PM
Donate a new or used book in good condition, and get a free ticket to the Friday, 1 May concert with merengue stars Johnny Ventura, Milly Quezada, Fernando Villalona, Los Hermanos Rosario, Sergio Vargas and Puerto Rican Danny Rivera. The event is organized by the Fundacion Nacional de Desarollo Integral (run by presidential aide Felix Bautista) in coordination with the Ministry of Education. Businessman Manuel Garcia Arevalo is the organizing committee coordinator. It starts at 7pm at the Olympic Stadium and tickets need to be booked in advance. Books can be exchanged for admission tickets at the Z-101 Radio Station, Metro stations, universities, Telemicro TV station, Codia, Olympic Stadium, several malls, and the FINDI stand at the Santo Domingo Book Fair at Plaza de la Cultura. For more information, call FUNDI at 809 685-7676, 809 685-7833.
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