View Full Version : Universal health care

04-30-2009, 03:10 PM
The Constitution Revisory Assembly has approved Article 50 that establishes that "All persons have the right to overall health care", and also article 51 that says, "Employment is a right, a duty and a social function that is exercised with the protection and assistance of the state. It is the essential aim of the state to promote dignified and paid work, and promote the consensus between workers, management and the state".
Although the article allows the right of the employees to strike and of management to halt work or close, the Assembly rejected a part of numeral six that proposed the prohibition of all interruption, blockage, stoppage or intentional slowdown of production in private or state enterprises. All interruption, blockage, stoppage or intentional reduction of production in the work of private or state businesses that does not correspond with the right enunciated is prohibited. This numeral remained in the following manner: "the right of the workers to strike and of the employers to halt or close private businesses, as long as this follows the law and to resolve conflicts that are strictly labor related and pacific is permitted.
The law will provide the measures required to guarantee the compliance of these rules and will establish the guarantees necessary for the fulfillment of the essential public services without prejudice to the legal authority of the President". Article 50 establishes is its first numeral that "The state will watch out for the protection of the health of all persons and the improvement of their diet, the health services, the conditions of hygiene and the environmental sanitation, and will secure the means by which to prevent and treat all of the illnesses, giving free medical and hospital assistance to whomsoever, due to their scarce economic resources, may be in need." And in numeral two "by means of legislation and public policies, the state will guarantee the exercise of economic and social rights of the population with the least income, and as a result will lend its protection and assistance to the groups and sectors that are most vulnerable; and at the same time it will combat the social vices with adequate measures and the help of the conventions of international organizations."
One thing the Revisory Assembly could not agree upon was the issue of education referred to in Article 52 of the proposal for constitutional reform submitted by the President. This article says that: "The Dominicans and legal foreign residents in the country have the right to a complete education, of quality, permanent, and in equal conditions and opportunities without limitations other than their aptitudes, vocation and aspirations." The article has 12 numerals and more than 20 proposals for modification were submitted.
In response, Assembly vice-president Julio Cesar Valentin sent article and the proposals to a commission to seek a consensus that would permit its approval, but the motion was rejected and the debates started. A total of 53 members of the Assembly requested time, of which 29 will be heard in today's session. The issue of Haitians and their possible access to the state educational system and the 4% that by law should be assigned to education in the budget and that is being proposed as a constitutional amendment polarized the debates, with radical positions both in favor and against both motions.
The National Revisory Assembly appointed the commission that will be studying articles 44, 45, and 46 that refer to the family, marriage, maternity, common-law marriage and the rights of boys, girls and young people and the protection of the elderly. The commission is chaired by Cristina Lizardo and includes Isabel de la Cruz, Teodoro Ursino Reyes, Isabel Bonilla, Minou Tavarez Mirabal, Amarilis Santana, Andres Bautista, Rafael Calderon, Noe Sterling Vasquez, Luis Jose Gonzalez Sanchez and Mary Sanchez.

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