View Full Version : Fernandez admits corruption

05-01-2009, 03:50 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has admitted the obvious: there is corruption in his government. But the President warned that all corruption would be punished and that he would not allow "godfathers" or patrons to protect corrupted officials once they are caught. Speaking at the "DR Strategic Plan for Ethical Transparency and Corruption Prevention 2009-2012," Fernandez said the government was adopting a zero tolerance policy towards corruption. He added that in these times the world has been put at risk because of corruption scandals and that the DR is no different. "How can the DR, which doesn't have the tradition and culture or the institutional strength of those powers, how can we blind ourselves and say the DR doesn't have corruption?" The President said that all anti-corruption plans would have the Presidency's support in preventing, detecting and prosecuting acts of corruption.
The Fernandez administration spends millions on anti-corruption departments that are criticized for their lack of results. One anti-corruption official justified their lack of efficiency by saying that corruption in office is difficult to prove. But recently, two government department heads were removed from their posts after investigative journalist Nuria Piera interviewed them for her show and got them to admit to corruption on camera.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#2)