View Full Version : More preparations for swine flu

05-01-2009, 03:50 PM
The National Social Security Council (CNSS) has created a RD$20 million fund with resources from the Family Health Insurance Program's Promotion and Prevention Health Plan to support a prevention campaign for AH1N1, the name now being used by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the swine flu virus. The WHO reported that it decided to change the name of the disease after accepting that the virus is changing into a human illness as it evolves. The fund will last for two months beginning today, and was conceived in response to a request by Public Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez, who assured reporters that the campaign would contribute to warning the public and reducing the possible impact that the human version might have on the country. The CNSS decision is contained in Resolution 208-02 released to the news media today by the president of the council and Minister of Labor Max Puig. In the resolution, the inter-institutional committee is identified as having representatives from management, HMOs, Superintendent of Health and Work Risks (Sisalril) and the Public Health Ministry.

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