View Full Version : Constitution review continues

05-05-2009, 06:20 PM
The Constitution Revisory Assembly will continue its deliberations this afternoon focusing on articles relating to collective rights and the environment. Also pending is the discussion and possible approval of Article 54 on the right to physical education, sports and recreation that would be included in the Constitution for the first time.
Regarding this aspect contained in Section III, the proposal from the Executive Branch says "collective or diffuse rights and interests are: the right to peace, the right to develop, the right to ownership of humanity's common heritage, the guardianship of public health; the conservation of the ecological balance, of the flora and fauna and the protection of the environment; the preservation of the cultural heritage and esthetic, historical, urban, artistic, architectonic, archeological, and national scenic values; the correct marketing of merchandise to the public, fair competition and interests and right of the consumer and customer of public services. The Law will regulate the conditions and limitations of the exercise of these rights."
Also on the agenda is Chapter II regarding the guarantees of the fundamental rights and Chapter III on the principles of application and interpretation of the rights and guarantees as well as Chapter IV on the fundamental duties and the controversial issues of population and nationality.

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