View Full Version : Drunk driver to serve sentence

05-05-2009, 06:20 PM
Domingo Antonio Jaime del Pozo, sentenced to two years in jail for the death of 20-year old third semester architecture student Johan Enrique Pou Acta in 2003, will finally serve jail time. Despite the sentence issued in 2006, he went on the run from the law. Pou Acta was killed as a result of careless driving by del Pozo, who was driving a Ford F150 pick-up, and ran a red light under the influence of alcohol. In 2006 his lawyers were able to secure a minor sentence of two years in jail, a RD$4,000 fine and a three-year driving ban. Pou Acta's mother Sandra Acta nevertheless pursued the case and was able to locate him in Miami. Reportedly, he had initially traveled to Haiti, despite a prohibition on leaving the country, and later went on to Miami. An extradition order was secured, and Jaime del Pozo was obliged to return to the DR to serve his sentence.

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