View Full Version : Constitution revision update

05-07-2009, 07:00 PM
The Constitution Revisory Assembly has approved articles 61, 62, and 63 that deal with fundamental rights and guarantees and opened discussions on Article 16 that covers nationality, an issue that in the first debate provoked an elevated level of oratory, respect and good behavior and with good arguments for those who defended jus sanguinis on the one hand and jus soli on the other, as well as people who held some sort of intermediate position. Forty-nine Congress members representing all parties signed up for the debates, and it became evident that none of the parties is unified behind one proposal. The PRD and the PRSC presented their suggestions and the PLD will present its proposal in today's session. Despite proposals from the different blocs, dissident positions were evident among the members of the PRSC, PRD and the ruling PLD.
The Assembly approved Article 61 that establishes "that all usurped authority is ineffective and all acts are null and void."
Also approved, in addition, was the inclusion in Chapter III, relating to the principles of application and interpretation of fundamental rights and guarantees.
A modification to numeral III of Article 62 on the regulation of fundamental rights and guarantees was approved. This article will now say "the listing of the rights and guarantees in this Constitution does not limit and consequently does not exclude other rights and guarantees of a similar nature."
Likewise, it goes on to say, "Only by law, in cases permitted by the Constitution, can the exercise of rights and guarantees be regulated, respecting their essential content and the principle of rationality."
Also included was the phrase, "the treaties, pacts and conventions relating to human rights, underwritten and ratified by the Dominican state have Constitutional status and are of immediate and direct application by the tribunals and courts of the state."
Article 63, as approved says that, "the fundamental rights recognized by this Constitution presuppose the existence of a correlative order of judicial and moral responsibility that rules the conduct of men and women in society."
The Assembly declared as fundamental duties, to accept and obey the laws and the Constitution, respect and obey the established authorities by these laws, and the duty to vote. The Assembly approved, moreover, that " inhabitants and citizens should refrain from all acts prejudicial to the stability, independence and sovereignty (of the Dominican Republic)." Congress has been convened to session at 3pm today with an agenda of 10 articles.

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