View Full Version : You can call your kids anything

05-07-2009, 07:00 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) has rejected a bid for a resolution aimed at prohibiting parents from naming their children derogatory, hard to pronounce or sexually ambiguous names. The proposal, made by magistrate Jose Angel Aquino, did not get enough votes, according to JCE president Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman. The bill also proposed that Civil Registry Officials should not allow people to give their children more than three names, or last names as first names as well as the same names as their brothers or sisters.
Aquino made his proposal out of concern about the number of names that many Dominicans have that, in his judgment, should not be used. Among these he cited "Fantasma Ruiz"(Ghost), "Mazda Altagracia", "Toshiba Fidelina", "Tonton Ruiz" (Stupid), "Querido Familia Perez" (Dear Family), "Winston Churchill de la Cruz", "Rambo Mota", "Rambo Olla" and "Furunculo Guzman" (Boil).
According to Diario Libre, Magistrate Aura Celeste Fernandez suggested it was better to draft a letter of instruction to Civil Registry Officials so that they could provide guidance on the issue for parents, but this was rejected.
The full board also revalidated 6,000 cancelled cedulas (Personal ID and Voter Registration cards) and appointed a commission to fill the vacancies on the local election boards.

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