View Full Version : Herrera incidents need caution

05-07-2009, 07:00 PM
The Catholic Church, Congress and the Dominican Embassy in Haiti came together yesterday to respond to accusations from the Haitian authorities that their citizens were being assaulted in the DR. Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado, who has become famous as a mediator in national conflicts, Senate president Reinaldo Pared Perez, and DR ambassador in Haiti Ruben Silie said that the violent events that resulted in the decapitation of a Dominican and a Haitian in Santo Domingo's Herrera neighborhood were isolated incidents and should not affect the friendship between the two nations.
The group called on the Haitian and Dominican authorities to treat the incident as carefully as possible, and if it is possible to identify those responsible, they should be taken to court. According to Listin Diario, Monsignor Nunez said, "Haitians are everywhere here, and they live in harmony with Dominicans. They are in our barrios, in the rural areas, in the streets, in such a way that I think that the Haitian authorities should deal with this case with caution and not cause a spark to ignite an unnecessary fire." Speaking from the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, Ambassador Silie said that the deaths were most unfortunate, and reassured local journalists that there was no systematic persecution against citizens from Haiti.
Haitian Carlos Nerilus allegedly decapitated Dominican builder Francisco de Leon Lara and was later beheaded in revenge. One of de Leon Lara's relatives is a suspect. His sister Olga Lidia de Leon Lara complained that all attention was on the Haitian, instead of on her brother who was decapitated first. Witness Anderson de Leon also suffered from injuries inflicted by the late Nerilus, as reported in Hoy.

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