View Full Version : PUJ Foundation teaches "Green"

05-07-2009, 07:00 PM
Students in Punta Cana are learning how to be "green." As part of the environmental work at school, students are being taught to classify garbage (solid waste, glass, plastics, food, paper and cardboard). Then they are taught about recycling. The reclassified garbage is recycled at the Punta Cana Group's recycling facility.
The students also participate in clean-up campaigns on the beaches and along the streets. With the help of a Peace Corps volunteer, several video spots were created to educate them about the proper handling of garbage and solid waste.
Students from the Ann & Ted Kheel Polytechnic School have formed a "Green Brigade", and now give talks at the primary schools in the region as well as painting murals on ecological themes and going on excursions to learn about the country's protected areas.
Jake Kheel, the director of the Punta Cana Ecological Foundation that is behind the initiative, said that this program aims to give the children the knowledge and the proper tools to help achieve a "greener" environment in the Punta Cana area. Students attend talks by experts from the foundation and from foreign experts who come to share their knowledge.

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