View Full Version : Fernandez + Miguel Vargas

05-14-2009, 03:31 PM
President Leonel Fernandez and former PRD presidential candidate Miguel Vargas Maldonado have sealed a political agreement that goes beyond the re-election issue. As reported in the Listin Diario, they agreed that the Constitution would be modified to allow that Fernandez can again be a presidential candidate in 2012. But also part of the deal, Fernandez accepted to instruct his legislators to reinstate the wording of the 1994 Constitution that banned consecutive re-election. There were also agreements regarding the Dominican nationality, a freeze on the number of Deputies in Congress, on expatriate legislators, and measures to improve the military and National Police. It was also agreed that in the 2010 municipal and congressional election, legislators would be elected for 6 years so that by 2016 both presidential and congressional elections can be held in the same year.
Earlier this week, a lengthy meeting between the President and ten PRSC legislators and the revelation that Fernandez also met with his 2008 presidential election rival Miguel Vargas Maldonado of the PRD and agreed on some issues, had stoked up the political fires. So much so, in fact, that because of the rumors that were going around, Tuesday's Constitutional Revisory Assembly session was cancelled. Yesterday legislators and political leaders from the ruling PLD party and both main opposition parties were exchanging statements, accusations, insinuations and expressions of disgust.
Senator Mario Torres (PRD-Dajabon) had confirmed yesterday that President Leonel Fernandez and Miguel Vargas Maldonado had negotiated an agreement that would eliminate the ban on re-election after a candidate runs in two consecutive presidential elections. Senate president Reinaldo Pared Perez was called to the Presidential Palace and was informed of the agreement.
Torres said that legislators from Vargas's PRD faction are aware of the agreement, which is based on Fernandez not running for office in 2012. In yesterday afternoon's edition, El Nacional newspaper leaked the news that Fernandez and Vargas had agreed to eliminate the words "never again" from the Constitution.
The present Constitution already bans Fernandez from running in the 2012 presidential election, but as sought in the Constitution rewrite Fernandez sent to the legislators for review, he could run again in 2016. Miguel Vargas ran against Fernandez in the 2008 presidential election, garnering 40% of the vote, despite strong feelings against PRD's then President Hipolito Mejia. Vargas could keep the possibility of being chosen by the party to run again in 2012 against a yet unknown PLD candidate. But former President Mejia would also be able to be a candidate again. The formula brings all the politicians back into the arena.
Torres accused the PRSC party spokesman in Congress, Ramon Rogelio Genao of "being disrespectful and telling lies" about the accusations that he made against Vargas Maldonado for trying to entice PRSC legislators. "The Reformists do not have the moral or political standing to criticize the agreement between Vargas and Fernandez," he concluded.
Hoy newspaper says that PLD deputy Alejandro Montas has confirmed that there is unrest among the ruling party legislators because of all the negotiations rumored to be taking place.
PRSC secretary general Victor Gomez Casanova earlier revealed that Fernandez had offered the party ten senatorial seats for provinces currently held by PLD politicians. Montas said that this is what is bothering the PLD legislators.

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