View Full Version : Family insists Moline serve his sentence

05-14-2009, 03:31 PM
The mother of Jose Rafael Llenas Aybar, a 12-year old boy who was murdered by his first cousin in May 1996, has asked a judge to reject the request for parole made by the accomplice of her son's killer. Iliana Aybar argued that Juan Manuel Moline Rodriguez should remain behind bars until he serves his full 20-year sentence for the murder of Llenas Aybar. Mario Jose Redondo Llenas was sentenced to 30 years in prison. The mother of the victim said, "I want Moline to get out, but after he serves the full 20 years. I am not in agreement with his parole."
The family lawyer, Luis Miguel Pereyra, also asked judge Francisco Mejia Angomas to reject the parole request because "Moline Rodriguez is still a dangerous person and is not fit to live in society according to professionals."
The judge reserved his final decision for 20 May after the prosecutors, the civil part and the defense presented their conclusions. The first request for parole, which was rejected, was made in June 2007, when Moline had served half of his sentence. At the time, the Prisons Department recommended against parole. During the hearing, Moline Rodriguez told the court that he wanted to get out on parole in order to work, to prove that he was capable of learning from his mistakes and to begin a new life and become a new person.

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