View Full Version : Reactions to the agreement

05-15-2009, 04:20 PM
PRD President Ramon Alburquerque says that former presidential candidate Miguel Vargas Maldonado has shown disrespect towards PRD party statutes by signing an agreement with current President Leonel Fernandez. He added that Vargas had no right to speak on behalf of the party. Alburquerque compared Vargas to an Arab sheikh, telling Hoy that, "we can see what his presidency could be like, he'd be an Arab sheikh, an Ayatollah violating everything." But other PRD members are in agreement with the pact. Both Hipolito Mejia and Milagros Ortiz Bosch have described the agreement as positive.
Danilo Medina, who aspired to be the PLD party's presidential candidate in 2008 and was defeated by Fernandez himself, commented: "I have no opinion. I am not active in politics, and I did not participate in that agreement," he said, as reported in El Caribe. Medina is a former president of the Chamber of Deputies and was Secretary of the Presidency in the first two Fernandez administrations. He is seen as a Fernandez dissident within the party.

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