View Full Version : Concerns grow over H1N1

05-18-2009, 06:20 PM
Concerns about the H1N1 virus (previously known as swine flu) have been revived in the DR after Chilean Health Minister Alvaro Erazo confirmed to the local medical authorities on Sunday that a Chilean woman who had visited the DR on 8 May and departed on 15 May via Santo Domingo's Las Americas International Airport had tested positive for the flu upon her return to Chile. She had traveled here on board a Copa flight from Panama. The DR has yet to report its first case of the H1N1 virus.
A second 32-year old woman who was traveling on the same flight is currently in quarantine at a Santiago de Chile hospital. Earlier, a government source told Reuters that the woman was 25 and had been traveling in Mexico.
The Ministry of Public Health said that as soon as they were notified from Chile they began monitoring where the Chileans vacationed in the East.
Health Minister Bautista Rojas explained that the incubation period of the virus is 4 to 5 days, which explains how the tourist could have come with the illness. "We do not know yet, but we have not detected a case in the country, and we continue to investigate," he said as reported in the Listin Diario.

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