View Full Version : Party system is threatened

05-19-2009, 06:50 PM
Central Electoral Board (JCE) president Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman said yesterday that lack of institutionalism in the country is threatening the political party system, and warned that this could seriously affect Dominican democracy. He said that even though the system still works, it is constantly keeping Dominican society "on the edge" because if it breaks down, nobody can guarantee that what will happen is better than what we have today. He said: "This is because leadership is efficiency, it is management, it is an ethical commitment to the country."
The JCE president spoke at the opening of the "Democracy, governance and political leadership" program that is being run by the National School for Electoral and Civil Service Training (EFEC). He said that the JCE helps prevent the breakdown of the political party system each time it organizes an election process "according to respect and the rule of law in the Dominican Republic." Castanos Guzman emphasized: "The EFEC has to fill the institutional void that Dominican democracy and the party system needs in this country, and for this we sponsor this type of event in order to spread democratic values." JCE judge Aura Celeste Fernandez, who also serves as the coordinator of EFEC, also spoke during the opening ceremony.

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