View Full Version : No A(H1N1) in the east

05-19-2009, 06:50 PM
As of yesterday, the Dominican Republic was still free of the A(H1N1) influenza virus after tests carried out in the east, where three citizens from Chile who now have the illness stayed, were negative. At a press conference, Public Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez said that a higher degree of watchfulness was placed on around 200 people in Punta Cana, including employees at the hotel where the women had stayed and the driver who took them to the airport.
Everyone who had been in contact with the Chilean tourists filled out an epidemiological information card, but some, such as the driver and the receptionists were tested for the illness.
"As of now, this is what we have. We have taken a great many samples, and up until now we have not had a positive result. I hope things continue like this," said Rojas Gomez who visited Punta Cana where the Chilean women had vacationed.
Despite the favorable diagnosis, the authorities reinforced their watchfulness. They left a team of doctors to carry out a survey, person-to-person, room-by-room, in the hotel where the women stayed.
In all the hotels in the area, television is transmitting short information spots on prevention and what to do if anyone experiences any symptoms. At the airports, preventive measures are carefully monitored. Health ministry officials in the region said that each passenger is being given instructions in English and Spanish with two telephone numbers to call in case of symptoms.
Some Chilean media outlets have reported that the two women were infected in the DR. Questioned on the matter, Rojas Gomez assured reporters that if it was here it will be proven, "because we are going to find out."
Before arriving in the Dominican Republic on 8 May, the Chilean women made a stopover in Panama and then again when they returned. Two presented symptoms on Sunday and a third yesterday. The DR health authorities have ordered tests to be carried out on anyone reporting serious respiratory problems, whether or not they were at risk.

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