View Full Version : Florian investigations continue

05-20-2009, 03:30 PM
Ramon Aristides Madera, the prosecutor assigned to the case of the death of drug kingpin Rolando Florian Feliz at Najayo jail on the weekend, says that the seven people he has questioned so far in the case have provided conflicting accounts, while adding that, "there will always be explanations that resemble the truth".
The lack of concrete eyewitness testimony could bring a cloud of suspicion over the case. Among those interviewed were Captain Lino de Oca Jimenez, who admitted to shooting Florian, and Daneirys Mejia, a woman who was in the cell with Florian when he was shot. Prisoners Domingo Diaz, Rafael Antonio Medina Jimenez and Charles Lee were also interrogated.
The commission in charge of investigating Florian's last moments includes National District Attorney General Alejandro Moscoso, Aristides Madera, Supervisor General of Prisons Henry Garrido and Police Internal Affairs director General Manuel Castro Castillo.
Investigations will resume at 10am today with the interrogation of two colonels and a major, whose names have been withheld.
Meanwhile, more media attention is being drawn to the case as Florian's family announces plans to press charges against Officer Oca Jimenez and Lt. Colonel Antonio Pulinario. The family accuses the men of "assassinating" Florian. Speaking on behalf of the family, lawyer Carlos Balcacer claims that Florian was shot and then locked in his cell so that he would bleed to death.

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