View Full Version : Mourning Miguel Cocco

05-21-2009, 04:00 PM
Diario Libre reports that the medical team that treated Customs director, Miguel Cocco, who had been battling for survival during the last two weeks in the Center for Diagnostics and Advanced Medicine (Cedimat), say that his death on Wednesday was caused by cardiac arrest, probably the result of a pulmonary embolism or a cardio-cerebral event. Cocco, 62, was pronounced dead at around 9:15 yesterday morning after doctors tried to resuscitate him for nearly an hour. They said, according to Listin Diario, that Cocco died peacefully. The Customs director was admitted to Cedimat on 6 May with kidney problems. Nonetheless his clinical history was quite extensive: he had had a kidney removed, he had undergone two bone marrow transplants, a pacemaker and a hip replacement. Despite all this, his chief doctor Dr Guillermo Alvarez described him as "a strong man". He is survived by his wife, Minerva Gonzalez, and his daughters, Patricia, Maurin, Yarusca and Catherine.
The government has declared this Friday a Day of Official Mourning for the death of Miguel Cocco. By means of Decree Number 405-09, signed by Vice-President Rafael Alburquerque in the absence of the President, military honors will be given to the deceased and flags will be flown at half-mast at all military installations and public buildings.
The passing of Miguel Cocco has caused sadness within Dominican society due to his human and professional valor. He has been described as an honest man, a conciliator who was passionate about his job. President Fernandez, who is on an official visit to Spain, sent his condolences in a message from Salamanca. "In the name of the Dominican government and my own, I want to express my condolences for the death of Miguel Cocco, one of the most dedicated and efficient officials we have ever had in the public administration."

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