View Full Version : [DR1] Money for greenhouses

06-12-2006, 01:10 PM
In what might well be a "hidden" advertisement, Listin Diario is reporting that there is as much as US$350 million available to finance the construction of greenhouses in the Dominican Republic. According to Ministry of Agriculture figures, the 120 greenhouses currently in operation produced RD$134.63 million last year. A Spanish company, Fraga Invernaderos, told Listin reporters that they are willing to provide financing for these greenhouses as one of the few ways for Dominican farmers to compete with the Central American agricultural sector.

In a press conference held in Santo Domingo, Fraga's export manager Jorge Ruiz Fernandez told his audience that good soils and climate did not guarantee agricultural success unless modern technologies are also used. He said that greenhouses are a guarantee for good production and access to international markets. Fraga is currently handling financing requests for US$30 million in the San Jose de Ocoa and Azua areas.

Link To Original Article (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)