View Full Version : Murata to Turn Profit by 2011 on China Recovery, President Says - Bloomberg

05-24-2009, 11:10 PM
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Murata to Turn Profit by 2011 on China Recovery, President Says (http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=T&ct=us/4-0&fd=R&url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news%3Fpid%3D20601101%26sid%3Dakrdu3H4R4qc%26refer%3Djapan&cid=0&ei=hw4aSo7PJcKgmAf92Oz9Ag&usg=AFQjCNGyv0yx-pp6wKQeuYuzdOz3VD_oxQ)
Murata said he expects the prices of electronic parts to fall by 10 percent to 12 percent this fiscal year, similar to previous years. “Last year, price cuts were led by South Korean companies because of the weaker won,” he said. “The currency now ...

More... (http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=T&ct=us/4-0&fd=R&url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news%3Fpid%3D20601101%26sid%3Dakrdu3H4R4qc%26refer%3Djapan&cid=0&ei=hw4aSo7PJcKgmAf92Oz9Ag&usg=AFQjCNGyv0yx-pp6wKQeuYuzdOz3VD_oxQ)