View Full Version : FENATRADO calls for boycott

05-25-2009, 06:00 PM
The Fenatrado freight transport union has called for a boycott on Haitian cargo transporters. As a result, Dominican freight drivers will not transport any merchandise into Haiti and will not allow any Haitian drivers to travel into the DR either. The resulting boycott is the latest chapter in the negotiation process by both sides, which have reached an impasse in talks.
The conflict began last week when Dominican drivers were stopped from transporting freight to Haiti. Fenatrado leader Blas Peralta is quoted as saying that not even a fly would be allowed across the border. Peralta also announced that the bi-national markets would not be held at any of the four border crossing points today, and that merchandise would not be allowed to be brought in to the DR on foot either.
According to Hoy newspaper, Dominican truck drivers have lost an estimated RD$10 million because of the freight dispute. Haitian truck owners are demanding that Dominican transporters pay a fee of RD$4,000 to transport cargo into Haiti or to allow Haitians to carry 50% of all cargo to be delivered in Haiti. They are applying violence, in a similar way to the tactics used by Fenatrado to impose its monopoly on inland cargo in the DR.
Ricardo Koenig, president of the Dominican Exporters Association, says that the transport impasse is costing US$1.6 million in lost business, not taking into account informal business losses. He explained annual trade with Haiti is at US$514 million, most of which moves by land. Haiti is second largest buyer of Dominican exports, after the United States.

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