View Full Version : Cardinal enters fray

05-25-2009, 06:00 PM
Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez has thrown his two cents into the discussion about the border transport conflict by dismissing comments made by Haitian Prime Minister Michele Pierre-Louis. Last week she said that this latest incident could strain relations between the neighboring nations and also referred to other acts of violence, saying that these could have the same effect. The Cardinal said that her comments displayed an unwillingness to help resolve the problems. Lopez Rodriguez also commented that Pierre-Louis should be supportive of the issue consider that thousands of Haitians have received the same benefits as Dominicans while they are in the DR.
Recently, Michele Pierre-Louis said relations between Haiti and the DR have suffered as a result of recent headline-making incidents. These include the decapitation of a Dominican and suspected revenge by his relatives who decapitated a Haitian, and incidents with truckers at the border after Haitian truckers demanded a 50% share of the cargo to be transported.
Minister Pierre-Louis also announced that the Bilateral Commission would be reconvening to discuss issues affecting both countries.

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