View Full Version : Accused gets embassy position

05-25-2009, 06:00 PM
Antonio Ramirez Medina, who is accused of committing fraud in San Juan de la Maguana by the Department for Administrative Corruption (DPCA), has been appointed to the post of Minister Counselor at the Dominican embassy in South Africa, the second highest position at the embassy. Ramirez used to work at the Regional Department of Agriculture in San Juan when the Ministry purchased 75,000 quintals of beans for RD$80 million in February and May 2008. Provincial Attorney General Pedro Antonio Mateo Ibert said that he couldn't implement an arrest warrant for Ramirez because the Foreign Ministry hadn't confirmed his appointment to the embassy. Victoriano Mesa, Hector Morillo and Fernando Ogando, Rafael Reyes and Hungria Jimenez were also named in the arrest warrant. The appointment of Ramirez as a diplomat would oblige the case to be heard in the privileged jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

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