View Full Version : New rules on who is Dominican

05-27-2009, 03:00 PM
Gender discrimination in granting Dominican citizenship will be eliminated from the Constitution, according to modifications approved by the Constitutional Revisory Assembly yesterday. In the past, if a foreign woman married a Dominican, she would acquire Dominican nationality, but this was not the case for foreign men who married Dominican women. Now, both would be entitled to Dominican citizenship.
The Assembly also ruled on Art. 16 of the Constitution on nationality on a mix of jus sanguinis (by parents) and jus solis (by birth on the land). The first reading on the nationality issue reads that Dominican nationality will be acquired by:
a) The children of a Dominican father or mother.
b) Those who already have Dominican nationality prior to the modifications in the Constitution.
c) Those born in the Dominican Republic, with the exception of children of foreign diplomatic or consular missions and foreigners who are in transit or reside illegally in the country. A person in transit is any foreigner as defined in Dominican laws.
d) Those born abroad to a Dominican mother or father, despite having acquired a different nationality to their parents through their place of birth. Once the child is 18 years old, he/she may request dual nationality from the competent authorities, or renounce one of these.
e) Anyone who marries a Dominican man or woman, once the request is made to opt for the spouse's nationality and the person is eligible to meet the legal requirements.
f) Those who have taken on Dominican nationality. The law will fix the conditions and formalities required for naturalization.

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