View Full Version : PRD split worsens

05-28-2009, 03:30 PM
Attempts to get an agreement between Miguel Vargas Maldonado and Ramon Alburquerque in order to end the stalemate within the national convention organizing commission, failed yesterday with the appearance of a new demand, made this time by a group of leaders demanding universal voting.
Neither the efforts of Peggy Cabral nor of the other PRD members made Alburquerque change his position of holding the elections on 14 June as scheduled.
And to add to the problem, some 16 leaders who are seeking party posts such as vice president and assistant secretaries have handed the commission a document outlining their opposition to any agreement that would forestall the convention.
They say that that any proposal that leaves out the possibility of the convention electing the jobs of vice presidents and assistant secretaries would be a violation of the party's statutes.
"The undersigned believe that the party should emerge stronger from this internal process, but it is not fair that leadership, without being named, should curb our right to participate in this important political event," says the document.
They demand the will of the party base and their legitimate right to choose the PRD leadership.
The document is signed by Pavel De Camps Vargas, Elvys Duarte, Mariano Negron, Heriberto Regalado, Miguel Vasquez and Leonardo Cadena. Also signing were Jose Spencer Rondon, Anibal Diaz and Miguel Puente.
Today, the coordinator of the commission, Tirso Mejia Ricart, has convened another meeting to discuss the situation in the hope of reaching a compromise.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#15)