View Full Version : Social Security has RD$100 billion

06-02-2009, 03:00 PM
Collections at the Social Security Treasury reached RD$100 billion, as revealed yesterday by the treasurer, Henry Sadhala, who said that this is a very significant amount when taking into account the system began in 2003. RD$1.8 billion was collected in the first year from employees and employers.
2009 collections are expected to be between RD$37 and RD$40 billion.
Sadhala attributed the level of contributions to the computerized system in place that is easy to use and the trust placed in the system, due to the transparency and efficiency of the Treasury.
As of 20 March, the TSS had 1,193,000 persons enrolled, of which 1,040,000 are paying the Family Health Insurance. The dependants in this insurance total more than 1,800,000, protected by the payments of the 1,040,000 persons who contribute to the system. Businesses, active and enrolled, with registered payrolls at the Treasury, as of 31 March, number 43,651 employers, and this number goes up each month.
It is expected that the amnesty bill, which is pending in the Senate, will add between 150,000 and 200,000 new contributors, including the municipal governments.

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